Saturday, 12 January 2013

#ArshianAwards2013 - The Nominations for the Best Hug

1. The Hospital Hug (17th October 2011)

2. The Reunion Hug (1st June 2012)

3. The Silent Love Hug (9th July 2012)

4. The Pyara Hug (20th July 2012)

5. The Emotional Hug (3rd August 2012)

6. The Happy Hug (5th August 2012)
NOTE: We will change the nominations as per your comments and mentions. The polls will be open on 14th of January 2013, You can vote for 3days from the day

Friday, 11 January 2013

#ArshianAwards2013 - The Nominations for the Best Scene

1. The Contract or Force Marriage
2. Holi Special Confession
3. Arnav confess 'Khushi I Love You' to Khushi
4. Arnav - Khushi Reunion
5. Khushi waits for Arnav at the Mandap
6. The Consummation Scene before the Re-marriage

NOTE: We will change the nominations as per your comments and mentions. The polls will be open on 14th of January 2013, You can vote for 3days from the day.